Please note, we have a zero-tolerance approach to fraudulent claims. Claims which we identify as fraudulent are immediately reported to the Police Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED) where they will be dealt with as a criminal act. This zero-tolerance approach means that we can keep our premiums low for our genuine policyholders.
As part of the quote process we will carry out a soft search on your credit file. Although this will be recorded on your credit file like every other search, only you will be able to see it. Lenders cannot see it so it won’t affect any lending decision they may make and it will not affect your credit score.
These checks form part of our risk profiling and fraud prevention measures and may determine whether we are able to provide you with a quotation. For more information, please see our Privacy policy.
Unfortunately we are unable to proceed with your application for insurance. As you have not given permission to undertake an assessment of your credit history we regret that certain underwriting criteria have not been met, and we are unable to insure your items. For more information please read our FAQ.
Unfortunately we are unable to proceed with your application for insurance. Following an assessment of your credit history we regret that certain underwriting criteria have not been met and we are unable to insure your items.