Additional business insurance cover

The right cover for your business at the right price.
We know that every business is different. Every industry has its own demands and challenges and we understand that the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for everyone. You know what the risks to your business are, and what’s important, which is why we give each of our policyholders the opportunity to build their own cover. We’ll take you through the quote step by step where you can simply add the cover you need. Insurance doesn’t need to be complicated!
Tools insurance
Your tools are likely to be the lifeblood of your business. Expensive and perhaps unique to your business, you’d be stuck without them. It makes sense to add some extra cover to replace your tools should anything happen to them, potentially leaving you unable to work.
What is covered?
Tools Insurance covers the loss, theft or accidental damage to handheld and portable power tools, up to the amount you have selected.
What Tools Insurance cover do you offer?
Depending on the amount you need, our cover gives you the choice of tools cover up to £1,250, £2,500 or £5,000. The maximum you can claim for any one tools is £500, or 20% of the total sum insured, whichever is greater.
What is not covered?
Damage to tools caused by theft or attempted theft if they are left unattended - unless contained in a securely locked vehicle, room or box and there is evidence of forcible or violent entry or exit. For a full list of exclusions, please check the Policy Wording.
Who needs Tools insurance?
Anyone that uses tools as part of their day-to-day work should consider insuring them in case of theft, accidental damage or loss. This can include builders, carpenters, engineers, flooring contractors, hairdressers and locksmiths.
Goods in Transit insurance
If you transport goods or products as part of your business activities, then it may be worth considering adding Goods in Transit cover to provide extra protection, should any incidents occur causing damage or loss whilst they are underway.
What is covered?
Damage to business goods whilst in or being loaded into or onto or unloaded from any motor vehicle which is owned or operated by you or under your direct control.
What Goods In Transit insurance do you offer?
Providing you take out a Ripe Insurance for Small Business Public Liability policy, you'll have the option to add a Goods in Transit policy. Our Goods in Transit insurance provides cover for damage to your business goods up to a value of £500.
What is not covered?
There are naturally some exclusions to the cover and your Goods in Transit insurance does not cover damage caused to any goods by deterioration or inadequate packing or insulation, theft (or attempted theft), losses due to delays or any other indirect loss. Please check the Policy Wording for full details.
Who needs Goods in Transit insurance?
If your work includes transporting products or other peoples property at any time, including delivery of products, you should really consider Goods In Transit insurance.
Contract works insurance
Contract Works is the term given to the insurance that covers damage to temporary or permanent work completed during a contract, including damage to materials supplied for the contract. For example, if you were midway through building an extension and there was a fire, destroying all of the work you’d already carried out, your Contract Works insurance policy will cover the costs to re-do the work that was lost.
What is covered?
The cover can include any costs that you incur if you have to re-do or repair some work that you’ve carried out under terms of a contract. Depending on the limit of cover, you can claim for the cost of tools, materials and labour to put right any damage caused.
What Contract Works insurance do you offer?
We offer a choice of cover options from £100,000, £250,000 and £500,000.
What is not covered?
Theft or attempted theft between the hours of 7pm and 6am, unless kept in a securely locked compound or building and there is evidence of forcible and violent entry to or exit from the compound or building. If you have any queries about the cover, please contact us or check the Policy Wording for full details.
Who needs Contract Works insurance?
Anyone who works on a contract basis and who may find themselves out of pocket if an incident outside of their control caused the contract to be delayed or cancelled. Builders, engineers, plumbers and roofers commonly take out contract works insurance.
Own plant and hired-in plant insurance
If you use your own, or hired-in plant equipment and machinery for your business, it is definitely worth considering adding some extra cover in case of damage or theft. Expensive and difficult to replace quickly, the extra cover will provide you with reassurance and peace of mind should the worst happen. We offer two types of cover; plant and machinery owned by you and/or plant and machinery hired-in by you (owned by a third party).
What is covered?
The cover to your own plant and hired-in plant includes theft, loss and accidental damage up to the limit specified on your insurance schedule. This cover includes damage to the plant whilst at the contract site, in transit, or at your premises.
What own plant and hired-in plant insurance do you offer?
You can select the level of cover that suits you from £10,000, £25,000 or £50,000.
What is not covered?
Theft or attempted theft between the hours of 7pm and 6am, unless kept in a securely locked compound or building and there is evidence of forcible and violent entry to or exit from the compound or building. Own plant is limited to a maximum of £25,000 for any one item. Please see Policy Wording for full details.
Who needs own plant and hired-in plant insurance?
If you work with any plant or heavy machinery that you would need to replace to be able to work, you should definitely consider a plant insurance policy. Tradesmen, especially builders and contractors may feel that this is an essential part of their business insurance policy.