The best shooting Christmas gifts

Stuck on gifts to get a fellow shooter this Christmas? Maybe you thought you deserved a shooting Christmas gift from yourself? Don’t worry—Ripe Shooting has got you covered with our ultimate list of the best shooting Christmas gifts (don’t worry there’s not a pair of socks in sight!).
1. Cartridge Vacuum Flask
Shooting is thirsty work and every shooter should have one of these for early and mid-morning refreshments on a chilly day. The detailed design makes this flask look just like a giant shotgun cartridge, so it’s the perfect accessory for any country pursuit!
2. Pheasant Bottle Stopper
The perfect way to unwind after a long day of shooting is opening a nice bottle of red. However, sometimes you just fancy having one glass and saving the rest for later. This charming pheasant bottle stopper is designed to fit any bottle and it’s sure to make the recipient smile every time they pour themselves a drink!
3. Red Grouse Egg Cup
One of the best ways to start a morning is with a boiled egg, toast, and the morning paper. This egg cup is the ideal gift for Grouse shooting enthusiasts with a country-themed kitchen. It features a hand-painted Red Grouse on heather moorland—a great stocking filler for shooters. Just make sure the recipient opened it in time for the Christmas Day breakfast!
4. Pheasant Mug
A mug has always been a classic stocking filler—you can never have too many after all! Emma Bridgewater has long been one of the nation’s favourite pottery designers, and her ‘game bird’ series of mugs will appeal to just about any shooter who enjoys a hot drink. We particularly like this pheasant mug from the series—alongside our choice of egg cup, it’ll make for the ideal breakfast set-up!
5. Specialist shooting insurance
We admit the last gift on the list isn’t exactly the most exciting—but it’s handy nonetheless. You may want to consider gifting the shooter in your life peace of mind when they're out on their Christmas shoot, and any other for that matter. This way, they’ll be safe in the knowledge that they're protected against the worst-case scenarios.
With specialist shooting insurance, you can ensure you’d be covered if you were to cause an injury to someone or damage third-party property while on a shoot. Learn more about specialist shooting insurance through Ripe or get an instant online quote today.
Please note the information provided on this page should not be taken as advice and has been written as a matter of opinion. For more on insurance cover and policy wording, see our homepage.
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