Can you shoot crows and pigeons in the UK?

It has been against the law to shoot pigeons, crows, and other wild birds in the UK since the inception of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, legislated by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
As pigeons and crows are classed as pests and not game birds, they cannot be shot for sport. However, it is possible to shoot them if you adhere to certain rules and licencing laws in specific situations.
We've included a summary of information below on the relevant legislation for shooting crows and pigeons and the licences you need to have to lawfully shoot wild birds in exceptional circumstances.
What laws affect crow and pigeon shooting?
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 makes it illegal to:
- Deliberately kill, harm, or take any wild bird
- Intentionally destroy, damage, or remove a nest that is still being used or assembled by a wild bird
- Deliberately take or destroy the eggs of a wild bird
- Own any wild birds or their eggs (both alive and dead)
- Trap or poison wild birds to harm or kill them
Non-lethal methods for removing pigeons or crows
Pigeons and crows have a reputation of being scavengers and opportunistic feeders, so gather in groups in any area where humans are found.
Unfortunately, though, this can mean that they can cause damage to homes and farms. Feral pigeons and crows often also carry harmful diseases that can spread to people or livestock.
If you find yourself in this position as the landowner, you may decide you want to take steps to deter these wild birds from returning.
Non-lethal methods of deterring pigeons and crows can include:
Anti-bird spikes/spike strips: A strip of spikes that stops wild birds from being able to nest or congregate in areas that you need to keep clear.
Decoy kites: Usually in the shape of predatory birds; kites can trick pigeons and crows into thinking that there is a predator nearby so they will avoid landing in the area.
Parallel wires and bird netting: Both these methods work by creating a barrier that stops wild birds from landing and nesting in unwanted places, such as on your roof or drainpipe.
Bird gels: A sticky gel that causes birds to get stuck once they land, so they won't want to return once they get free to avoid getting stuck again.
As the landowner, you must try a range of non-lethal methods first and only use one of the general licences covered in the next section as a last resort.
Which licences apply to crow and pigeon shooting?
For the period 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2025, the general licences set out by the government for the shooting of wild birds in England are the following:
- GL41: To kill/take certain species of bird to preserve public health and safety and prevent the spread of disease
- GL42: To kill/take certain species of bird to prevent serious damage to livestock, crops, fruit, and vegetables
Make sure you always double-check the licence conditions before you act, as some licences have different conditions depending on the type of bird in question. More information on these licences can be found on the UK Government website.
You can also visit NatureScot, Nature Resources Wales, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs websites for information on shooting licences for:
How do you apply for a crow and pigeon shooting licence?
As GL41 and GL42 are general licences, you don't need to apply to have one—you just have to abide by their rules.
However, you can only rely on these licences if you are an authorised person (either the landowner or someone authorised by the landowner).
Which birds are covered by GL41 and GL42 licences?
GL41 and GL42 licences cover several bird species, including magpies, jackdaws, rooks, feral and woodpigeons, and crows. Some non-native species considered "invasive" are also included, such as Canada geese.
Specialist shooting insurance through Ripe Shooting
If you want protection against third-party claims whilst you're out on a shoot, you may want to consider specialist shooting insurance.
At Ripe Shooting, we arrange up to £10m Public Liability cover, alongside Equipment and Personal Accident cover up to £50k, so you can have complete peace of mind when out with your gun. Get an instant online quote today.
Please note the information provided on this page should not be taken as advice and has been written as a matter of opinion. For more on insurance cover and policy wording, see our homepage.
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