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The ultimate guide to motorhome and campervan insurance

Motorhome and campervan insurance

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Motorhomes and campervans are a big investment. Not only can they be expensive to buy in the first place, but the costs involved in running, maintaining, and even renovating them can quickly add up.

Another cost to consider is motorhome insurance—a layer of protection that can ensure you, your family, and your friends can look forward to hitting the open road long into the future.

You’ll find all the information you need on motorhome and campervan insurance on this page, whether you’re a new or experienced motorhome or campervan owner. Or, if you’re still trying to decide whether buying one is the right thing for you, this page will give you the knowledge you need to be confident in your choice.

Can't wait to find out how much your motorhome or campervan insurance could cost?

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What is motorhome and campervan insurance?

Motorhome and campervan insurance is a form of financial protection that protects you and your vehicle against the risks that come with motorhome or campervan ownership.

Whatever type of motorhome or campervan you have, life as an owner is incredibly rewarding. Be it a long-term DIY conversion project or simply hitting the road on a whim to explore new locations across the UK and abroad, motorhome and campervan life affords countless possibilities for those fortunate enough to have one. But of course, it’s not without its share of risk.

There are various risks you should be aware of as a responsible motorhome owner. For example, theft of or damage to your vehicle could leave you severely out of pocket without protection.

However, motorhome and campervan insurance is specifically designed to protect owners against these risks and more. Like standard car insurance, motorhome and campervan insurance is a legal requirement if you drive your vehicle on public roads, and many owners choose to protect themselves and their vehicles with specialist motorhome insurance to give them peace of mind that they’d be covered should the worst happen.

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Why should I consider motorhome and campervan insurance?

There are various reasons why you may consider motorhome and campervan insurance. Firstly, if you drive your motorhome or campervan on public roads, insurance is non-negotiable, and you could find yourself in serious legal trouble if caught driving without it.

Note: If you keep your motorhome or campervan off the road permanently, then you can apply to the government for the insurance to be waived.

Aside from all the legal obligations, though—ask yourself, “Could I afford to replace my motorhome or defend myself against a big claim without financial help?”

If the answer is no, you may want to consider motorhome insurance.

One of the major attractions of motorhome and campervan life is the freedom it brings. Being able to jump in your van and set off for a last-minute weekend getaway is one of the best things about it all. But with such freedom also comes an element of risk—and, of course, things can and do go wrong from time to time.

Motorhome and campervan theft is one of the biggest and perhaps most obvious risks associated with ownership. In fact, it’s predicted that around 4,000 motorhomes, campervans and caravans are stolen every year in the UK.

Motorhomes, their accessories, and the equipment and contents kept inside them are prime targets for thieves. However, motorhome insurance can protect you should you become a victim of theft.

Damage is another common risk for motorhome owners to consider, be it accidental or malicious. Given their often-high price point, motorhomes and campervans can be very expensive to repair or replace. And that’s even if you think yours can be replaced. After all, if you’ve spent months renovating and redesigning your motorhome, you may deem it irreplaceable to you. Owners should arguably consider their time investment just as much as any financial one.

As a responsible motorhome owner, you should also consider your impact on other road users and members of the public, too. For example, your vehicle could damage another vehicle in an accident or cause damage to somebody else’s property or personal possessions. Without motorhome insurance, this could result in you having to pay for repairs or to settle a third-party claim yourself.

Get a quote today to see how much your motorhome insurance could cost, or read more in our Motorhome Insurance Booklet.

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What does motorhome and campervan insurance cover?

Motorhome and campervan insurance is designed to protect you against the risks associated with owning one of these types of vehicles. But the risks you face will depend on your individual circumstances, such as what type of motorhome you have, and how often and where you use it.

Motorhome and campervan insurance is designed to protect you against the risks associated with owning one of these types of vehicles. But the risks you face will depend on your individual circumstances, such as what type of motorhome you have, and how often and where you use it.

That’s why when taking out a motorhome or campervan insurance policy through Ripe, you’re given the freedom to pick and choose what you want to cover.

Motorhome insurance typically covers the following as standard:

  • Theft
    This is usually theft of the motorhome or campervan itself, but can also extend to theft of items and accessories kept inside it, depending on the terms of your policy.

  • Damage
    Again, this is normally damage to the vehicle itself (both accidental and malicious) but can also extend to damage to contents depending on the policy terms. Accidental damage tends to result from adverse weather or unexpected events like fires and floods.

  • Public Liability
    This can help to cover any legal costs arising from of any claims made against you for issues like injury to another person or third-party property damage.

Motorhome and campervan insurance through Ripe is fully comprehensive, and provides unlimited cover for death or injury caused to a third party. It also provides £20m worth of cover for damage caused to someone else’s property, and £5m cover for associated legal costs.

Depending on what type of motorhome you own and how you use it, Ripe allows you to build a bespoke motorhome insurance policy tailored to your individual needs.

More information on what motorhome and campervan insurance covers can be found here, in our Motorhome Insurance Booklet, and further down this page.

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How much does motorhome and campervan insurance cost?

The cost of motorhome and campervan insurance can vary depending on various factors, such as:

  • the monetary value and age of your vehicle
  • your no claims bonus
  • where you live
  • your annual mileage
  • whether you have any additional drivers on your policy
  • what security measures you have in place
  • personal circumstances such as your driving experience and age

The quickest way to check how much your motorhome insurance could cost through Ripe is to get a free online quote. When you do, we’ll ask a few questions about you and your vehicle to get a better understanding of your requirements. We’ll then use this information to provide a breakdown of the costs involved in your cover.

You can also customise your policy through Ripe by only selecting additional cover you actually need, giving you a personalised policy and peace of mind for a great price.

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How can I make my motorhome and campervan insurance cheaper?

“Additional security measures can help make your insurance cheaper. Fitting wheel clamps, alarms, trackers and other security devices can help bring your insurance cost down.”

Dan Dawson, Head of Underwriting at Ripe



There are several things you can do to try and make your motorhome and campervan insurance cheaper. These include:

Adding security measures
Fitting trackers and alarms to your motorhome or campervan can help bring the cost of your insurance down. Wheel clamps are also a good additional security measure.

Secure parking
If you’re able to, keeping your vehicle in a garage, secure car park, or on a private driveway behind locked gates when not in use could also help bring your motorhome insurance costs down.

Extra driving qualifications
Obtaining advanced driving qualifications, such as bespoke motorhome driver training, could also result in a lower premium.

For more ways to potentially make your motorhome and campervan insurance cheaper, check out our separate blog here.

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Why is motorhome and campervan insurance important?

Motorhome and campervan insurance is important because it provides financial protection as well as the peace of mind that you’ll be covered should the worst happen. It’s also a legal requirement if you drive your vehicle on public roads.

As a motorhome or campervan owner, you’ll know how much your vehicle and its contents cost, and having specialist motorhome and campervan insurance means you won’t lose out on the substantial investment you’ve made.

Specialist insurance is important because it can help protect your investment should you have an accident, experience theft, or have your vehicle damaged by events like fires and floods. Insurance can come to your rescue in various scenarios, such as if you’re unfortunate enough to have your vehicle stolen or if it gets badly damaged in bad weather or a fire. It can also save you should your vehicle be damaged maliciously.

Having motorhome insurance can also demonstrate that you are a careful and responsible owner, as it shows that you have considered the potential risks involved with life on the road. But for all the consideration that goes into things that can go wrong for you and your vehicle, it’s important to consider the risks you and your vehicle potentially pose to others.

Let’s say your motorhome causes another person to have an accident, or damages somebody else’s property. This could cost thousands in repairs, but motorhome insurance can help. If you ever need to make a claim, investing in motorhome and campervan insurance can ensure that some or all of the costs involved will be covered.


What is the difference between a motorhome and a campervan?

Although motorhomes and campervans may appear the same to the untrained eye, there are some differences between the two. The main difference is that motorhomes often have more permanent fixtures with clearly defined areas for driving and living, whereas campervans tend to be a lot smaller with more basic facilities.

Campervans are typically standard vans that have been converted for leisure activities such as cooking and sleeping, as well as driving. However, motorhomes are usually purpose-built from the very beginning.

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What are the different types of motorhomes?

There are many different types of motorhomes out there, and navigating the market can be a challenge, particularly if you’re new to it all. Fortunately, however, motorhomes can normally be split out into three main categories to make them easier to distinguish. These are:

  • Panel vans (fixed high-top or elevating roof)
  • Coachbuilt motorhomes (low-profile or overcab)
  • A-class motorhomes

Panel vans
Panel vans are the smallest and often most affordable motorhomes on the market. They begin life as complete vans before being converted rather than being built from scratch.

During the conversion process, windows can be cut out and rooves can be extended depending on whether it’s going to become a fixed high-top or elevating roof vehicle.

Panel vans with a fixed high-top have a permanent extended height with no need for elevation. On the other hand, panel vans with an elevating roof—also known as ‘pop tops’—can be adjusted for extra height and have the advantage of increased aerodynamics during trips.


Coachbuilt motorhomes
Coachbuilt motorhomes are the most popular type of motorhome in the UK and are visually what we would typically associate with the word ‘motorhome’.

Coachbuilt motorhomes are the most popular type of motorhome in the UK and are what people typically associate with the word ‘motorhome’ based on appearance.

These motorhomes start out as a chassis cab, with the shell the built around the cab. Coachbuilt motorhomes usually come in two different styles—low-profile (without an overcab bed) or overcab (with either an overcab bed or extra storage space above the driver’s compartment).

While low-profile motorhomes are perhaps more commonly seen in the UK, overcab motorhomes can be a great option for those wanting extra space without the added expense of purchasing a bigger model.


A-class motorhomes
A-class motorhomes are the biggest and most high-end type of motorhome. Built on a heavy-duty frame and with increased living and storage space, these motorhomes are by far the most expensive to buy and run, but are unrivalled when it comes to providing all the mod-cons away from home.

In the UK, A-class motorhomes typically weigh between 3.5-7 tonnes on average, but they can reach weights of up to 14 tonnes over in the US. You may require a C1 driving licence in order to drive an A-class motorhome, depending on its size and weight.

For more detailed information on the different types of motorhomes and campervans available in the UK, check out our separate blog here.

Is motorhome and campervan insurance a legal requirement?

Motorhome and campervan insurance is a legal requirement if you drive your vehicle on public roads. If you keep your motorhome or campervan off the road permanently, then you can apply to the government for the insurance to be waived.

However, you would still need to purchase insurance in the future if you were to take your motorhome or campervan onto public roads.

Whether you need it now or sometime in the future, get a quote through Ripe today to see how much your motorhome cover could cost.

Can I drive a motorhome or campervan on my car insurance?

Some small motorhomes and campervans can be covered under standard car insurance. However, most insurers will require you to take out an additional specialist policy for your motorhome or campervan. Check the terms of your policy carefully, and if ever in any doubt, contact your insurance provider for further information.

Do I need a special licence to drive a motorhome or campervan?

The type of licence you need to drive a motorhome or campervan depends on the weight of the vehicle and when you obtained your driving licence.

If you passed your driving test before 1st January 1997, you will be able to drive the vast majority of motorhomes and campervans without a special licence. However, if you passed after 1st January 1997, you can only drive vehicles that weigh up to 3,500kg (with a trailer weighing a maximum of 750kg).

So, double check the weight of your vehicle and cross reference it with the date you passed your driving test. If your current licence is not valid to drive your motorhome, then you need to obtain an entry-level HGV licence.

More information on driving licence categories and what each one means can be found on the government website.

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Motorhome insurance

A motorhome is a purpose-built vehicle with large living space. As well as being able to drive from A to B, motorhome owners can often also live, work and sleep in their vehicles.

As the name would suggest, motorhomes are designed to be used as a home from home on wheels. Therefore, they often benefit from permanent fittings and facilities, and can be made specifically to match your lifestyle and preferences.

The excitement of owning a motorhome with all the mod-cons and being able to travel in it is a huge attraction to buyers, but life on the road can, of course, carry risks.

You’ll find all the information you need on motorhome insurance in this section.

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What is motorhome insurance?

Motorhome insurance is a form of financial protection that protects you and your motorhome against the risks that come with owning one.

There’s no doubt that motorhome life is exciting, but there are multiple things you should be aware of and make provisions for as a motorhome owner.

For example, much like standard cars and other vehicles, motorhomes are vulnerable to theft, damage, vandalism, and other criminal activity. Not to mention the risk of accidents every time you’re out and about on the road.

Aside from malicious damage, motorhomes are, of course, also vulnerable to the elements—especially if they’re permanently kept outside instead of in a garage or other indoor storage facility. Adverse weather such as storms and floods could potentially devastate your motorhome.

That’s why motorhome owners may wish to consider motorhome insurance for peace of mind should the worst happen.

What does motorhome insurance cover?

Provided that your motorhome is used purely for holidaying and is not your permanent address or main UK residence, you can cover it through Ripe up to a maximum value of £100,000.

When you take out a motorhome insurance policy through Ripe, there are various things automatically covered as standard, and you’ll be given the option to include additional layers of cover should you need or want to.

As standard, motorhome insurance through Ripe covers your motorhome against theft, accidental damage, fire or flood up to £100,000, your motorhome equipment and accessories up to £5,000 or 15% of the vehicle value, and your Public Liability for third-party claims.

More information on motorhome insurance and what it covers can be found in our Motorhome Insurance Booklet and further down this page.

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Campervan insurance

A campervan is a small to medium-sized vehicle with basic living facilities. While motorhomes are often purpose-built, campervans are smaller and tend to start life as standard vans which are then converted for living use.

Like motorhomes, campervans are designed for life on the road, but their smaller size means their facilities are much more basic.

However, owning a campervan is no less exciting, and being able to travel in a modified home from home is again a huge attraction to buyers. That said, life on the road comes with its fair share of risk.

This section will provide all the information you need on campervan insurance.

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What is campervan insurance?

Campervan insurance is a financial safeguard for you and your campervan against the risks that come with owning one.

Life with a campervan is certainly exciting, but there are several things you should be aware of and make provisions for as a responsible campervanner.

As mentioned earlier on, there are a number of differences between a motorhome and a campervan. However, the risks that come with owning them are largely the same.

Campervans, too, are vulnerable to accidents, theft, damage, adverse weather, vandalism, and other types of criminal activity. That’s why campervan owners may wish to consider campervan insurance for peace of mind should the worst happen.

What does campervan insurance cover?

Campervan insurance through Ripe can cover your campervan up to a maximum value of £100,000.

When you take out a campervan insurance policy through Ripe, several things are automatically covered as standard, and you’ll be given the option to include additional layers of cover should you need or want to.

As standard, campervan insurance through Ripe covers your motorhome against theft, accidental damage, fire or flood up to £100,000, your campervan equipment and accessories up to £5,000 or 15% of the vehicle value, and your Public Liability for third-party claims.

The table below provides a more detailed look at motorhome and campervan insurance through Ripe. You can also find more information in our Motorhome Insurance Booklet.

Summary of cover

What types of motorhomes and campervans can I cover?

You can get cover for a variety of different motorhomes and campervans through Ripe. You’ll already be well aware of what type of vehicle yours is, but we’ve listed what you can cover through Ripe below, as well as a basic description of each vehicle type.

Coach built motorhomes (over cab bed)
A coach built motorhome with an over cab bed is a type of recreational vehicle that has a custom-built living space mounted on the chassis of a commercial van or truck. These motorhomes are designed with a distinct cab-over area that extends over the driver’s compartment and provides an additional sleeping space. The living area typically includes a kitchenette, bathroom, and dining and sleeping areas.

Low profile coach built motorhome
A low profile coach built motorhome is a type of recreational vehicle with a streamlined design and living space. It has a low height with no over cab bed, making it ideal for driving under low bridges and tunnels.

Campervan with pop-top or rising roof
A campervan with a pop-top or rising-top is a compact recreational vehicle with a roof that can be elevated to provide additional headroom and sleeping space. These vans typically include a kitchenette, storage space, and seating that can convert into a bed.

High-top campervan
High-top campervans are a type of recreational vehicle that feature an extended roofline for additional headroom in the living area. These campervans are typically built on a commercial van chassis and include a kitchenette, bathroom, and sleeping and dining areas. The high-top design offers more space and comfort for passengers.

Fixed roof campervan
Fixed roof campervans are compact recreational vehicles that are built on a standard van chassis with a fixed roof, making them a more affordable option for buyers. These campervans typically include a basic living area with a kitchenette, sleeping area, and storage space.

DIY converted campervan
As the name might suggest, a DIY converted campervan is a van that has been converted into a mobile living space by adding a sleeping area, kitchenette and storage space.

American A-Class motorhome
The American A-Class is a luxury motorhome built on a custom chassis with a distinctive ‘bus-like’ appearance. These motorhomes have a spacious interior with high ceilings, multiple slide-outs, and premium features such as high-end appliances, home theatre systems, and elaborate entertainment centres. American A-Class motorhomes are known for their luxury, comfort and features.

European A-Class motorhome
The European A-Class motorhome is a high-end recreational vehicle with a unique design, featuring a fully integrated cab and living area, built on a chassis specifically designed for motorhomes. It offers a spacious and luxurious living space, including a kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping and dining areas. European A-Class motorhomes are known for their advanced features and comfort.

American coach built motorhome
An American coach built motorhome is a type of recreational vehicle both designed and manufactured in the US. These motorhomes are typically larger than their European counterparts and are built on a heavy-duty chassis, offering a spacious and luxurious living area with all the modern amenities. They also often include multiple slide-outs, allowing for even more living space when parked.


If your motorhome or campervan falls into one of the categories above, get a quote today to see how much your cover could cost through Ripe.

Does my home contents insurance cover items in my motorhome or campervan?

Whether your home contents insurance is enough to cover items kept in your motorhome or campervan will ultimately depend on your home insurance provider and the terms of your policy.

If you have out-of-home cover included in your contents insurance, then some items may be insured while inside your motorhome or campervan. However, this will not apply to everything and won’t usually extend to cover items that are kept in your motorhome or campervan full-time, such as TVs and kitchenware.

Check out our separate blog for more information on the link between home contents and motorhome insurance.

How would I be covered if I crashed my motorhome or campervan?

To be protected by your insurance in the event of an accident, you will need to have comprehensive cover. This cover could also include arrangements to get you, your vehicle, and your possessions home if your vehicle is written off. However, cover can vary, so make sure you check your policy documents carefully.

Motorhome and campervan insurance through Ripe is fully comprehensive, and provides unlimited cover for death or injury caused to a third party. It also provides £20m worth of cover for damage caused to someone else’s property, and £5m cover for associated legal costs.

What details do I need when getting a motorhome or campervan insurance quote?

There are several details you may want to have to hand when getting a quote for your motorhome or campervan insurance. To speed up the quote process, make sure you have the following ready:

  • your personal details - such as name, age and address. You'll also need the details of any other drivers you would like named on your policy
  • your vehicle details - such as the age, model and make. You'll also need to know its estimated mileage, what fuel it uses, where it's kept, and its current value

How do I estimate my mileage?

If you drive your motorhome or campervan regularly, you can simply take the typical number of miles you drive in a week and multiply it by 52 to get your annual mileage.

However, if you use your motorhome or campervan for more occasional, longer trips, you will have to figure out the distance you’ll be travelling in miles for each of those planned trips. Apps like Google Maps can be helpful for working out the estimated mileage of each journey.

Motorhome Insurance Roundel

Specialist motorhome and campervan insurance through Ripe

We hope this guide has given you the knowledge you need to make a more informed choice when it comes to your motorhome and campervan insurance. Whatever type of vehicle you have, we know that it’s your pride and joy, and you’ve probably spent a lot of time and money getting to the position you’re in today.

So, we also understand that you want to feel like you can trust whoever you choose to insure your motorhome or campervan with. After all, what was the point in investing all that time and money if your insurer doesn’t have your back, meaning you could potentially lose everything should the unexpected happen?

You want to know that you’re getting the cover you need for a fair price. The last thing you want while away in your motorhome or campervan is to be worrying about not having protection should things go wrong, such as an accident or having your equipment stolen.

You want peace of mind and insurance you can trust.

So, why choose Ripe?

At Ripe, we make sure everything’s taken care of when it comes to your motorhome and campervan insurance. We have automatic checks including driving licence validation and claims experience, resulting in a speedy online quote and buy process.

Only pay for the cover you need
We don’t believe in making you pay for things you don’t need, so we make it easy for you to create your own policy, saving you both time and money. By selecting the cover you need and opting out of the stuff you don’t, you won’t ever pay for any unnecessaries through Ripe.

Specialists at your side
Not only are we insurance specialists, but should you ever need to make a claim, you can be confident it will be handled by a team of motorhome and campervan specialists at ERS. Plus, you can also feel comforted knowing that if you ever need us at any point on your motorhome or campervan journey, our UK-based team are only ever a quick call away.

We’re backed by the Ripe Guarantee
We take good care of you here at Ripe. You can get great cover and service to match for the right price. Read more about what the Ripe Guarantee means for you here.

Ready to join the Ripe family? Get an online quote in a matter of minutes today.

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