5 Tips For Playing Golf In The Wind

British weather always keeps you guessing. One minute you can’t see your ball for the sun, the next your ball is carried around the course by the bustling wind. For those venturing out on to the fairway to face high winds, you need all the tips you can get to play a good round.

Here are 5 tips for playing golf in the wind that’ll help you blow away the opposition…

1. Assess the wind

It’s common to see professional players using blades of grass to determine which way the wind is blowing.

But, it’s also useful to watch the trees around your ball and check the treetops. This will also give you a sense of the direction in which your ball will travel at the top of its trajectory.

If there aren’t any trees, just look at the flag to give you an idea of what to expect. A horizontal flag indicates a strong headwind and this will require three extra clubs.

2. Choose your club carefully

Choosing the right club is vital and depends on whether you’re playing into – or out of – the wind.

If you’re playing into the wind, it’s important to take more club than usual to help the ball stay lower in the air and reduce the effect of the wind. As touched on above, you might need to club up by 1, 2 or even 3 clubs.

However, if the wind is behind you, hit with less club. You might want to club down by 1 to 3 clubs, depending on how strong the wind is.

3. Don’t hit the ball too hard

You may be tempted to hit the ball as hard as you can to combat the wind.

Unfortunately, swinging harder and faster doesn’t work. It simply makes the ball go higher and awry, which can be disastrous in windy conditions.

Instead, ‘when it’s breezy, swing easy’. Take a soft, controlled swing to hit the ball more accurately and create less spin.

4. Play back in your stance

Playing the ball further back in your stance than you usually would in less windy conditions will help you hit it lower and straighter.

Essentially, it will help you cut the ball through the wind by creating better balance and stability in your shot.

5. Be prepared for crosswind

At some point, you’ll fight a crosswind on the golf course. A crosswind can spin the ball and reduce your hitting distance, so it’s important to know how to deal with one. Typically, you have 2 options:

1. Play your natural ball flight and ride with or fight the wind.

2. Deliberately curve the ball to travel with the wind - but this is harder than it sounds.

If you’re trying to land the ball lightly, aim to curve or fade the ball into a right to left crosswind. On the other hand, if you want the ball to travel a longer distance, curve the ball in the same direction as the crosswind so that it journeys with the wind.  

Essentially, if you can’t beat the wind, learn to understand it. When the weather’s not on your side, make sure you assess the wind, club up/down, swing softly, keep it low and work with the breeze.

But remember, most golfers struggle in the wind and shoot a higher score – so do as best you can with these tips and enjoy your round!  

For more tips on playing golf in the wind, check out the video below.

Specialist golf insurance from Ripe Golf

There’s a risk of injury whenever you’re playing golf, but that risk is greater in poor weather conditions. For example, you may shout “Fore” and it might be difficult for another golfer to hear you due to strong winds.

That’s why it’s important to take out specialist golf insurance before you head onto the course. Our specialist golf insurance can cover you against injuries to other golfers and yourself. It can also safeguard your golf equipment against damage, theft and loss.

Get an online quote today and see what we can do for you.

Please note the information provided on this page should not be taken as advice and has been written as a matter of opinion. For more on insurance cover and policy wording, see our homepage.

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