Village Hall Insurance

Coming soon for those who run their local community’s village hall activities.


What is village hall insurance?

Village hall insurance provides financial protection for your community facilities in case of accidents or third-party claims. Cover arranged through Ripe is flexible and protects you whether you run activities across multiple venues or hire out your premises.


Why should I consider village hall insurance?

Running a village hall is one of the most rewarding things you can do for your community. But as with any endeavour serving the public, it comes with a variety of risks.

Whether you’re a charity, non-profit or a limited company, village hall insurance can help protect you in the worst-case scenarios by limiting the financial impact following a claim.

Say a member of the public slips on a wet floor and makes a claim against you, or a property you’re liable for is vandalised. These are just some examples of how specialist village hall insurance could prevent a negative financial impact on your organisation.


Do I need Public Liability insurance for a village hall?

While it’s not a legal requirement, there are a few reasons you may want to consider Public Liability cover as part of your village hall insurance policy.

For example, say a member of the public trips over a loose floorboard and makes a claim against your organisation. Public Liability insurance could cover the compensation costs, so you can continue serving the community without disruption.

Village Hall Insurance FAQs
  • How much does village hall insurance cost?
    • Various factors affect the cost of a village hall insurance premium, including:

      • annual turnover
      • number of employees
      • the village hall’s location
      • the type and level of cover you choose

      Many insurance providers only give you the option of pre-bundled packages, which aren’t always cost-effective if they include cover options you don’t need.

      However, you can build your own policy online through Ripe, so you never waste money on cover you don’t need.

    Does village hall insurance cover volunteers?
    • Yes—the Employers’ Liability and Public Liability cover options provide cover for volunteers and employees. 

    Are we required to have Employers’ Liability as part of our village hall insurance?
    • It’s a legal requirement for any organisation with paid employees to hold Employers’ Liability cover as part of their village hall insurance policy.

      At Ripe, volunteers are included as part of this cover, so you can have complete peace of mind when working with others.

    Does the policy cover events?
    • Yes, we will cover events hosted by the village hall in relation to the organisation, but other unrelated one-off events wouldn’t be covered.

    Is cash kept at the premises covered?
    • You can select Money Cover as an optional add-on to your village hall insurance, which covers money kept at the premises for damage caused by specified perils.

    Is equipment covered when taken out of the village hall?
    • Through the Portable Equipment option, you can cover theft and damage to portable equipment as long as it’s used within the UK.

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