Moving a static caravan: costs, logistics and more

There are many reasons behind wanting to move your static caravan.

For example, it could be that you’ve seen a better pitch at another park or that you’re looking to put your holiday home into storage.

Whatever your reason, we’ve covered everything you need to know about moving a static caravan, from the costs to potential risks. That way, you can decide what’s best for you.  


Table of contents: 


1. Common reasons behind moving a static caravan 

There are many reasons behind wanting to move your static caravan, such as:

  • a better spot has become available on your existing park
  • you want to move to a different park
  • the park you’re based on is closing
  • the park’s prices have risen significantly
  • you’ve sold your static caravan and agreed to move it for the buyer
  • you want to move your static caravan into a storage facility

The good news is that it’s possible to move a static caravan within your current park or to a location across the country.

However, the process requires some prior research and careful planning, which we cover in the rest of this article.  


2. Is it difficult to move a static caravan?

Since moving a static caravan is a specialist job, it’s not difficult, provided you hire a team of experienced professionals and perform a thorough risk assessment.

We wouldn’t recommend attempting this yourself, as it’s difficult without the right knowledge and equipment. Plus, the risks involved would be significantly higher.

Moving a static caravan typically involves loading and securing it onto a low-loader truck, safely transporting it between locations, and carefully unloading it to its new pitch.

There is a lot to consider, and most static caravan transport specialists will expect you to perform a risk assessment and inform them of any challenges they could face.

This includes:

  • assessing whether your static requires custom escort vehicles
  • acquiring a police permit from each policing area the caravan will travel through
  • assessing the roads leading up to both your current and destination site
  • checking there are no obstacles leading up to the new pitch
  • ensuring the process meets your park’s rules and regulations

A reputable transport company will request as much information as possible from you to ensure the safe delivery of your static caravan, so make sure to speak to a few before making your decision.

Related: Advice on assessing site access for moving a static caravan


3. What’s the cost of moving a static caravan? 

This is a tough question, as there isn’t a precise cost covering all circumstances.  

Many factors can affect the cost of moving a static caravan in the UK, including:

  • the distance it’s being transported
  • whether or not you need escort vehicles
  • the complexity of the journey
  • the width of your caravan (is it 10ft, 12ft, or over?)
  • the condition your caravan is in (it may need to be partially dismantled)

While we can’t put an exact figure on how much it costs, we’d recommend starting your budget at no less than £1,000, even for a small move. This is the minimum figure you can expect to spend, especially given the hidden costs.

Siting fees are one thing to consider, which includes installing the caravan at your new site and disconnecting it from the one you’re leaving. This covers gas, electricity, water, sewers, TV, and internet.

If your static caravan has been at the park for a prolonged period, you may also be charged for repairing the plot of land.

Finally, insurance is another cost to consider—you should speak to your insurer to ensure you’re covered for moving your static caravan.

Your premium may increase, considering the risks involved. If you’re not covered already, you may want to protect yourself through specialist static caravan insurance in case any accidents happen during transportation.

Looking to get a quote before you decide whether this process is right for you? Here are some companies up for the job:

You may also find useful for viewing the cost of recently completed jobs.


4. Alternative options 

If you’re considering moving a static caravan from one site to another, it may be worth weighing up alternative options before making a final decision.

That way, you can assess the pros and cons of each option and uncover what’s best for you.


1. Part-exchanging your static caravan  

Just as you would a car, you can part-exchange your static caravan to reduce the cost of a newer or better-quality holiday home.

It eliminates the hassle of selling up, which is especially useful if you want to move to a new holiday home as soon as possible.

There are a few factors that can affect the amount you receive during a part exchange, including:

  • age
  • current condition
  • upgrades that have been made

If you have outstanding finance on your static, a part exchange may not be the best option for you as it can significantly reduce its value.


2. Selling your static caravan 

If the logistics of a part exchange aren’t right for you, you could consider selling your caravan.

The site you’re currently based on may agree to buy it from you, which makes the process easier as you don’t need to find a buyer.

You could try a caravan dealer or trader if they’re unable to buy it from you. They’ll usually quote a similar price to your park, as they base their quotes on the same factors.

If permitted to do so, you could also sell your caravan privately.

Finding a buyer these days is much easier than it used to be. The rise of platforms like Facebook marketplace and AutoTrader makes promoting your caravan to people across the UK much easier.

Make sure your park lets you sell your static caravan privately first, and follow the correct process outlined in your agreement.

Selling your static caravan instead of moving it could be an easier and less risky process for you, so it’s always worth considering.

Related: Selling a static caravan, holiday home or lodge: advice from the experts


3. Purchasing a touring caravan 

Are you considering moving your static caravan because you don’t enjoy staying in the same place? If so, switching your static caravan for a touring caravan might be worth it.

Touring caravans allow you to travel up and down the country, visiting different holiday sites. This versatility is ideal if you want to wake up in a different location each week.

Touring the country this way could help you find somewhere to base your next static caravan.


Specialist static caravan insurance with Ripe Caravans 

There are many risks involved in moving a static caravan. If you decide to take the plunge, you may want to consider specialist static caravan insurance to protect you from any costly accidents.

At Ripe Caravans, we arrange cover that protects your static caravan up to the value of £175,000. Theft, loss, and damage are covered as standard—even fire, storm, and flood damage.

You’ll also receive £2m Public Liability, which covers the cost of claims and legal expenses if visitors to your caravan are injured, or their property is damaged.

Click here to learn more about how we can help, or get an instant online quote today.

Please note the information provided on this page should not be taken as advice and has been written as a matter of opinion. For more on insurance cover and policy wording, see our homepage.

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