How to clean caravan windows to prevent damage

Caravan holidays are unbeatable, whether you own a static caravan on your favourite site or enjoy exploring new destinations in your tourer.
But one downside to holidaying in your caravan is the maintenance involved in getting it back into pristine condition.
Here’s our guide to cleaning your caravan windows to eliminate grime and prevent long-term damage using the correct methods.
A quick guide to caravan windows
Modern caravan windows are similar in appearance to house windows, particularly since most are double-glazed. But there’s one significant difference—they are constructed from acrylic rather than glass.
Acrylic isn’t as tough as glass and can be more prone to damage and scratching, even during a gentle clean if unsuitable materials are used.
Crazing is a common issue with caravan windows. It appears as a series of fine, tightly spaced cracks on the surface layer, and although it usually develops over time, it’s irreversible once it occurs.
Related: The ultimate caravan holiday checklist
What to avoid when cleaning caravan windows
We’ve established that acrylic is more vulnerable than glass, so it’s important to note the specific cleaning products, tools and methods that should be avoided when cleaning caravan windows.
Here are the main culprits behind acrylic window damage:
- window or glass cleaning products—contain chemicals that are damaging to acrylic
- methylated spirits—only suitable for glass surfaces, and can cause crazing
- abrasive cloths or scouring pads—can cause scratching or crazing
- used cloths—can contain remnants of chemicals used to clean other surfaces, or dust and grit that could scratch the acrylic
- jet washers—the water pressure is too strong
- rotary polishers or similar tools—polishing should be avoided altogether on acrylic windows, as it can bend and warp the material
Step-by-step guide to cleaning caravan windows
Now you know what not to use when cleaning your caravan windows, you can focus on giving them a crystal-clear finish.
Step 1: Assemble your tools and products
Luckily, there are only a few items involved in cleaning caravan windows:
- a hosepipe or bucket of clean water
- soft microfibre cloths or chamois leather
- an extendable window brush (with microfibre cloth attachments)
- an acrylic-friendly cleaner such as Autoglym or Fenwick’s Motorhome Cleaner
Step 2: Cleaning your caravan windows
Here’s how to achieve great results whilst preventing damage when cleaning your caravan windows:
- remove any dust, dirt, or debris—use a gentle stream from your hosepipe or a soft cloth and a bucket of water to wipe the window clean before using any products (this prevents scratching)
- clean the windows with the acrylic cleaner—use the extendable window brush to gently clean each window, being careful not to apply too much pressure and ensuring you change the microfibre attachments when they are dirty
- dry each window with a microfibre cloth—take a clean microfibre cloth and wipe it thoroughly over each window to remove any streaks and give them a gleaming finish (use the extender if you’re working with high windows)
Once you’ve cleaned the exterior of each caravan window, you can use clean microfibre cloths alongside the same cleaning solution to clean indoors, as this side doesn’t pick up the same level of dirt.
However, you may still want to use the extender if you’re cleaning a skylight and feel uncomfortable using a step ladder.
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Step 3: Go the extra mile
To give your windows an extra shine, you may want to freshen up the seals around them with silicone spray.
Not only will spraying the seals make the windows appear extra clean, but it also protects them from cracking and hardening, making them appear much tidier in the long run.
Cleaning caravan windows: FAQs
Is it possible to remove scratches from caravan windows?
Cleaning your caravan windows may unearth scratches from general wear and tear.
Luckily, there are products on the market specifically designed to reduce the appearance of small scratches.
After you’ve cleaned the windows, try using a product such as Fenwick’s Windowize or G3 Pro scratch remover to target fine scratches.
Apply a small amount of product to the affected area and buff it with a clean microfibre cloth for best results.
Deeper scratches are usually permanent, but buffing out the smaller scratches can significantly improve the appearance of your windows and remove the need to replace them as often.
How do you stop condensation on caravan windows?
The most effective way to keep condensation under control on your caravan windows is to open them as often as possible.
Increased airflow through your caravan will prevent moisture from settling inside and damaging your windows and furniture. If you’re concerned about safety, you can install window restrictors to enable you to safely air out your holiday home.
Always remember—never leave your caravan windows open when you’re not present.
Related: How to clean a caravan water system
Can you replace windows in a caravan?
If when cleaning your caravan windows, you realise they’re heavily scratched or damaged, you may want to replace them.
The best way to do so is to arrange for a reputable company to install the windows, which ensures they are fitted properly and in line with safety regulations.
Specialist caravan insurance through Ripe
Now that you know how to clean and maintain your caravan windows, you may want to protect the rest of your holiday home through specialist caravan insurance.
At Ripe, we arrange cover for your caravan up to the value of £175,000. You can also opt for additional cover to protect your contents and awnings.
Your caravan will be protected against damage caused by fire, lightning, storms, flooding, frost, and theft. Plus, accidental and malicious damage are covered, too.
Click here to learn more about how we can help or create an instant online quote in minutes.
Please note the information provided on this page should not be taken as advice and has been written as a matter of opinion. For more on insurance cover and policy wording, see our homepage.
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